
Primary Care

Primary Care, Internal Medicine, Family Medicine & Weight Management Located in the Pampa Mall, Pampa, TX

Primary Care services Located in the Pampa Mall, Pampa, TX

Primary care helps you prevent, diagnose and manage health issues such as diabetes, hypertension, and thyroid diseases. From physical exams to routine health screenings, Ralf Lukner, MD, PhD, is committed to designing personalized care plans that meet your needs at Lukner Medical Clinic, conveniently located in the Pampa Mall in Pampa, Texas. Call the office today or schedule an appointment online to learn more.

Primary Care Q & A

What is primary care?

Primary care is your first point of contact when you need to see a medical professional. Whether you feel sick, are due for an annual screening, or have a question about your health, your primary care provider is your main practitioner.

Dr. Lukner and his team proudly provide exceptional care to their patients. Along with a suite of primary care services, the practice offers services for cancer care, rheumatology, heart and lung disease, and other specialized conditions.

Why is primary care important?

Primary care builds the foundation for your overall health and well-being. Dr. Lukner acts as your partner in health care, ensuring you remain healthy and free of disease as you age.

Primary care allows you to develop a lifelong relationship with your provider. Dr. Lukner gets to know your medical history, risk factors, and wellness goals, so he can design a customized care plan that meets your needs.

What services can a primary care provider offer?

Dr. Lukner offers many primary care services at Lukner Medical Clinic, such as:

Physical exams

A physical exam is a comprehensive screening that assesses your overall health. Physical exams are important tools for preventing and diagnosing diseases when they’re still treatable. Dr. Lukner recommends scheduling a physical at least once a year.

Chronic disease management

Chronic diseases are health conditions that require ongoing care. Diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), and thyroid diseases are conditions that Dr. Lukner and the team can help you manage.


Immunizations protect you and those around you from infectious diseases like chickenpox and influenza (flu). While you receive most of your immunizations during childhood, you need routine booster shots throughout adolescence to remain protected.

Routine health screenings

Routine health screenings check for signs of disease before you show symptoms. Along with physical exams, Dr. Lukner performs cholesterol and blood pressure screenings, men’s and women’s exams, and diabetes screenings.

Dr. Lukner’s commitment to providing health care services also extends to treating hormonal imbalances. He offers hormone replacement therapy for low estrogen and testosterone and treatment for thyroid conditions.

At his office, Dr. Lukner can help patients overcome addiction challenges by participating in the Be Well Texas and Texas Original programs for opioid dependence.

Call Lukner Medical Clinic today or schedule an appointment online to learn more about primary care.